What's x11rec?
x11rec is a very ad hoc X11 recorder which creates a movie. x11rec sequentially runs xwd to capture a sequence of window images and finally creates a movie file in an MNG or animated GIF format with ImageMagick and Gifsicle
Sample movie which records gnomine (22 sec., 14.5 fps): MNG (66 KB), GIF (38 KB)
- 2001-06-05: x11rec 0.2 released!
Use Gifsicle for optimizing movie files. - 2001-06-04: x11rec 0.1 released!
The first release.
% x11rec foo.mng # creates an MNG movie file. % x11rec foo.gif # creates an GIF movie file.
% x11rec foo.mng ** Select an X window with a mouse. ** id: 537803852 ** Hit Ctrl+Z to finish the recording. ** frames: 24 time: 1 sec. fps: 24.00 converting each xwd file into a gif file: 24/24 creating the resulting movie file... removing temporary files... size: 14461 bytes done.
- Ruby
- ImageMagick
- Gifsicle
- xwd, xwininfo
x11rec is a free software with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2.
- x11rec-0.3.tar.gz (About 3 KB)
- To create compressed GIF files, build ImageMagick with ./configure --enable-lzw
Known problems
- Can't capture a pointer.
- Can't control fps.
- Can't record in accurate timing.
- Can't work well with low-performance machines.
- Can't capture a large window smoothly.
- ttyrec: a tty recorder
- Gerd
Gtk+ Event Recorder